Saturday, January 17, 2009

My worst movie ever!

Sadly, picking the worst movie I had ever seen was harder to do then picking my favorite movie because as many good movies as there are out there, there are just as many bad ones as well. There were a few movies that I had gone back and fourth between in my head, but ultimately I decided that the worst movie I have ever seen has got to be "Junior". For those of you who know this movie, I'm sorry and I share your pain. For those of you who don't know this movie, it was released in 1994 and directed by Ivan Reitman. Why is this the worst movie I've ever seen you ask? Well lets start by looking at the plot of the movie. Two scientist are working on a new drug to help reduce the amount of miscarriages that can occur during the initial stages of pregnancy (so far so good). But when their funding for their research is denied, one of the two male scientists decided to test the drug on themselves by impregnating one of them (Oh god). Yup, that's right its a movie about a male going through pregnancy, every woman's dream right; now a man gets to see how hard it is. But wait, here's the kicker, the male scientist who becomes pregnant is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Maybe now you can see why I've picked this as my all time worst movie ever. I don't know, maybe its just me but the idea of the "Terminator" having a baby is just a bit to abstract of an idea for me. I'm sorry, but watching Arnold Schwarzenegger go through an hour and a half of hot flashes, cramps, mood swings and then finally having a baby is one thing I would have been happy not seeing in my lifetime. How was he elected Governor after this, never mind the pot smoking what about this movie, its far more of an injustice if you ask me. Clearly, the movie was a fail from the start. Did the movie try to be funny? Sure, but it failed and in the end the movie was really more of a drama then it was a comedy which only makes the whole thing that much worse. So if you ever have a friend, relative, or random person ask you to watch "Junior" with them, smack them across the face and run away as fast as you can.

(Pretty painful isn't it?)

Feel free the watch the trailer here (though be warned it is also a wast of 30 seconds of your life).

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  1. I will second junior is a bad movie, but i love the fact that its Arnold Schwarzenegger. He went from all of his great action movies to this, then politics ?!

  2. I have never seen this movie, but after reading this review of it, I feel like I almost have to! It sounds so bad that it could be pretty hilarious and entertaining! Maybe that sounds like a bad reason to watch a movie, but sometimes all you need is a terrible movie to cheer yourself up!

  3. ps- OMG! Devito is in it too?!

  4. Yess I hate this movie also! It is very boring and painful to watch. Arnold should stick to action/ thriller movies. For example I love the movie "Predator"!

  5. Yes, his action movies are good, "Predator," "Terminator" and "Total Recall" were all pretty entertaining but when he plays these soft rolls in movies like "Kindergarten Cop," (another really bad one) you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of "what the hell is this" when you watch them.

  6. I'm goign to try this one more time and hopefully it works!! I agree that it was a terrible performance but I have to say that his earlier movie Twins might be tied with Junior. Arnold and Devito are twins separated at birth!

  7. Ha I totally forgot about this movie and Twins! Those movies definately have to be the weirdest plots. I mean first of how the heck would Arnold get pregnant, its just absurd. Then his wife is pregnant in the end with their second child. How bizarre is that? I mean what do you tell your children when they grow up?

  8. I remember liking the movie when I was younger, because I thought it was funny. there's alot of things you think are funny, and they're really not. This is one of those things! My boyfriend would agree with everything you said, he is constantly trying to get me to watch action movies (not my thing)!!

  9. Yeah, Twins was pretty bad as well, but at least Arnold wasn't pregnant.

  10. I agree. This is one of the worst movies ever! I have seen it and that is 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back.
