Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Village

This time around I'm going to be taking a look at M. Night Shaymalans's movie, "The Village". Released in 2004, "The Village" is the story of, oh wait, what the hell is this movie about? That's pretty much what you'll be saying the entire time you watch this movie. Ok, Ok, whats this movie really about, well its about a village that's set way back in time when people didn't have the luxuries we have today. Oh but that's not all, there are also these mysterious creators that terrorise the village people. Yeah ok so the plot does have potential and the actors in the movie are pretty good yet some how M. Night Shaymalan manages to screw it up. How does he do it? Well first off these "creatures" are only seen about twice in the movie, which means that for about an hour and a half you're forced to listen to nothing but dialog. On top of that since you never really find out whats going on till the very end, the plot NEVER progresses. The dialog is the same for an hour and a half. Let me sum the movie up for you right now. "What the hell are these things". That's it! But what is quite passably the worst part about this movie is how big of a let down the ending is. I mean you would at least think that with all the confusion and drama and hours of suspense, it would at least make up for it in the end, but nope. All you are left with at the end of this movie is the sense of "what the hell was that"! M. Night Shaymalan, what happened to you? You started out pretty well with "The Sixth Sense" and now you've been reduced to this? Very disappointing.

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  1. I would have to disagree with you on this one. I really enjoyed the village. M. Night Shaymalan's movies are all really different. Maybe the ending was a tad bit disappointing in that people who watch are hoping for something a little more dramatic to happen. But, the reason I love his movies are because they aren't overly dramatic for the most part. They are more like dark fairy tails than anything else, which makes them unique!

  2. South park had a really good thing about M. Night Shaymalan, the episode when the imaginary world was under a terrorist attack. His solution was similar to the movies with crazy twists and what not, it was funny.
    But i agree with Sam, it was cool until the end. I did think it was a good idea the way the did it but it was weird.

  3. After seeing the village, I was disappointed, but because of what Sam said, I was looking for something more. I wanted something extra and when that was all that there was to it, I was let down. I think that M. Night Shymalan has lost his touch. He needs to take a break and regroup. Especially after he did the happening. I did not like that movie at all.

  4. I would have to say that I was extremely disappointed with the movie. I couldn't even remember which one of his movies this one was because I keep going to all of them and get let down every time! I mean which one was this, the one with the fake creatures and the predictable ending? Shyamalan should have called it quits after The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable.

  5. Well, like I said if there was anything that saved this movie, it was the acting. I mean it really is an all-star cast. Adrien Brody, Joaquin Phoenix, Michael Pitt, Sigourney Weaver and several others typically do a good job. I just couldn't get over how slow and none-progressive the whole movie was. Also when you think about it, this movie was really all about the end, so if you say you don't like the ending, how can you like the movie at all?
